Healing from Injuries
I fell at work and landed on my head, and the result was dizziness, lack of strength and energy. I was able to get disability but it was about to run out. I had pastors pray for me, friends, elders of the church and nothing seemed to help. Then one day a friend called and said that a man named Eli prayed for someone on the worship team and was healed, and asked if I would like him to come pray for me. I said, "Yes, That would be great!"
I was excited to hear that someone was healed through prayer, because I didn't know what I was going to do. The doctors ran test, gave me medicine and nothing worked. They didn't know what to do. Eli and his wife Judy came over and prayed for me on November 2, 2010. I instantly started to feel better. The healing came to me in stages and by February 2011, I was completely healed and back to work. I found out later that the Bible talks about healing that come 30%, then 60%, then 100% complete.
I thank God that he healed me that day and that he chose Eli to be his hands and feet.