All Our Family's Prayers are Being Answered
Testimony by Vina...from Fiji Romans 8:31 - What then shall we say to those things? IF GOD IS FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US? I am so,...
Thank you for everything
Hi Eli, We spoke over the phone and you prayed for me last week. I just received the Prayer packet you sent me with a book about GOD's...
Answered Prayer
I prayed my daughter would bring my granddaughters back to me and she did. As well as my ex-husband is making more money in his current...
Healed From Asthma, Migraines, and High Blood Pressure
Physical Healing The symptoms of asthma and chronic migraines were with me since childhood. Then the issue of high blood pressure came...
My Testimony
I grew up in a Christian household, with both of my parents being in the church choir. I accepted Jesus into my heart at the age of four...
How I Came to Follow God
I grew up in a Christian household, and accepted Christ at the very young age of 5 years old. Growing up in a conservative church, I felt...
How I Came to the Lord
Testimony of Kevin Seago: September 30, 2014 I came to Christ about 10 years ago. I had been talking with a friend about a man named...